Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Computing's just plain fun

Yesterday I played around with creating and using SSH keys to log into my servers, and I really enjoy it.

I also "won," if you can call it that, some free songs from iTunes. Let me log in and see what I can get.

My work machine is a multi-boot box, consisting of Gentoo Linux, Xandros 3.01 OCE, and Windows XP. I primarily play on my Gentoo partition, and I just upgraded my profile to 2005.0. Now to recompile my kernel when I get a chance. Having SSH keys makes uploading all the packages I make to my PORTAGEBINHOST a snap. :)

I also experimented using distcc to help my compiles, with a reasonable amount of success. I used the distccKNOPPIX to set up another machine as a distcc node. I had to tweak a symlink for this to work with Gentoo, thanks to a person I was talking to on #gentoo. I may modify the CD to include a more up-do-date version of GCC

I started experimenting with different note-taking programs, and I've settled on tomboy. It has a nice interface, and reminds me most closely of OneNote.