Saturday, July 05, 2003

Haven't gotten a chance to try out my newly made packages. I had intended to try it out on July 2, but all of the festivities of the 4th of July holiday made that impossible. Quite a lot happened. I got a chance to see my father this holiday, which was a plus, considering I haven't seen him in a while (try a year,) and I just realized this was the most time I spent with my mother and nieces in a while. If this thing works with my Pentium 200 computer I'm going to make packages for an old 486 Toshiba laptop I have at home. With Gentoo Linux you can just about make distributions of packages for any computer, old or new, with the same tools. True you can just get CDs or download packages for the net, but I'm just really impressed with Gentoo that I want to try it wherever I can.

I'm actually starting to make an effort to redesign my site. It's something basic right now, but maybe later I'll do something flashy with it.

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